Thursday, February 3, 2011

iSucceed Virtual High School Student Learns How to Find and Keep Driving Lane Position in North Idaho's RAD School, Responsible Alert Driving School

Hello, my name is Tamara Balderrama. I’m 16 years old and attend iSucceed Virtual High School. My Hobbies include 4-H and O-Mok-Seeing (pattern riding on horseback).

During the driving lesson today, I learned a strategy called “Bicycle Mode,” which is used in lane positioning center or slightly right of lane center.  When you use Bicycle Mode, as you drive, you imagine riding a bicycle with your right leg traveling over the lane’s center stripe.  Doing this puts your vehicle into lane position one, which is the lane position that is most often used.

There are many ways to describe how to find the center of your lane. During summer, it may be the oily line in the middle of your lane; in the winter, it may be where the gravely stripe is. Either way you describe it, there is  part of your lane where the vehicle tire wear has left a line down the center of your lane.

As an additional safety precaution, we’re taught to direct our right leg precisely over the right edge of the lane’s center stripe.  This causes the vehicle to travel slightly to the right of the center, creating more space between the vehicle and on-coming traffic.

More How to Maintain Lane Position

More RAD School Information

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1 comment:

  1. quality drivers education courses and behind the wheel training with qualified professional help a child to learn many life saving tips of driving.
    Joshua's Law
