Monday, March 7, 2011

Online Drivers Ed Openings until 3/9 in Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls, Rathdrum, Spirit Lake, Blanchard, Cocolala, and Hayden, Idaho!

U P D A T E :IDLA Online Driver Ed may have late start openings,
for the course which started 3/4.

Students start the online course a few days late,
with plenty of time to stay on track.

3/9 is the last day to enroll with a counselor;
bring your DMV receipt with you.

  1. Contact IDLA registrar--800.927.8158--to verify openings and requirements. 
  2. Enroll in IDLA through your high school counselor.
  3. Enroll in RAD for behind the wheel training to complement IDLA's online course.
MORE Students taking Driver Education Online + RAD Behind the Wheel



    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Bridge Academy student learns how to maintain driving lane position through RAD School, North Idaho.

        My name is Benjamin Ferguson. I am 16 years of age and attend Bridge Academy in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. I enjoy art, music, and fighting in a controlled environment.
        The most prominent thing I learned in the drive today was a clearer understanding of how to use the steering wheel to mark the path that your vehicle will travel.  When using this technique, in my opinion, it makes continuing to stay in you lane positions easier, while traveling in a straight line.  In order to use this tracking technique, you must first find the top of your steering wheel. Second, point the top of your steering wheel in the direction you want to travel. Third, fine tune where you point your steering wheel to a precise target within your desired lane position; stay on target to maintain position.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    iSucceed Virtual High School Student Learns How to Find and Keep Driving Lane Position in North Idaho's RAD School, Responsible Alert Driving School

    Hello, my name is Tamara Balderrama. I’m 16 years old and attend iSucceed Virtual High School. My Hobbies include 4-H and O-Mok-Seeing (pattern riding on horseback).

    During the driving lesson today, I learned a strategy called “Bicycle Mode,” which is used in lane positioning center or slightly right of lane center.  When you use Bicycle Mode, as you drive, you imagine riding a bicycle with your right leg traveling over the lane’s center stripe.  Doing this puts your vehicle into lane position one, which is the lane position that is most often used.

    There are many ways to describe how to find the center of your lane. During summer, it may be the oily line in the middle of your lane; in the winter, it may be where the gravely stripe is. Either way you describe it, there is  part of your lane where the vehicle tire wear has left a line down the center of your lane.

    As an additional safety precaution, we’re taught to direct our right leg precisely over the right edge of the lane’s center stripe.  This causes the vehicle to travel slightly to the right of the center, creating more space between the vehicle and on-coming traffic.

    More How to Maintain Lane Position

    More RAD School Information

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